“I’m interested in advocating a bilateral relationship with African countries. Being in partnership with them is incredibly important for being able to bridge cultural gaps and achieve something together, 合作从根本上改善他人的生活.”

艾米丽调解, 2015年,2016年罗德奖学金获得者


艾米丽调解 began her 电竞赌博平台 education with a passion for global health issues. 现在, she’ll continue her career with a Rhodes 奖学金 to study and research international interventions in Africa.

在她的圣母院生涯中, Emily在乌干达从事定量和定性研究, Sweden and the Netherlands to evaluate the effectiveness of international HIV/AIDS programs in sub-Saharan Africa. Her thesis is titled, “Disabling Donor Demands: The Coercion of the International HIV/AIDS Agenda.” The paper presents three ways in which international HIV/AIDS funding has constrained local efforts.

由电竞赌博平台资助 凯洛格国际研究学院,以及 本科生学术参与中心, 本科生研究机会计划(UROP),和 纳诺维奇欧洲研究所, Emily conducted research on the President’s Emergency Plan for Aids Relief (PEPFAR), 对乌干达非政府组织的看法, 在那里的诊所实习, 并评估了乌干达的卫生保健设施.

Emily is originally from Colorado Springs, CO and attended The Classical Academy.



  • 共同指导艺术学院的院长研究员 & 信
  • Co-led 55 first-year students in the First Undergraduate Experience in 领导 Program
  • 曾在学生会执行委员会任职
  • Led women’s support group at Imani Unidad, an AIDS ministry organization
  • 共同领导和设计了一个学期的课程,名为U.S. 保健:政策与贫穷讨论会


  • 在美国实习.S. 担任国务院负责埃塞俄比亚事务的初级办公室官员
  • 在乌干达共同创立了非营利组织“31个长度运动”
  • 在伦敦留学期间,在英国救助儿童会实习
  • Interned with the Palliative Care Association of Uganda to assist HIV/AIDS clinic with basic medical care through the 凯洛格国际研究学院
  • Coordinated children’s education program at the Homeless Family Center in Vero Beach, 通过电竞赌博平台的暑期服务学习计划(SSLP)
  • 在Paintsville接受辅导, Kentucky at Our Lady of the Mountains elementary school as part of a spring break Appalachia seminar through 电竞赌博平台’s Center for Social Concerns
  • 带领了一次城市冒险之旅,去了丹佛伍迪神父的希望天堂, 通过电竞赌博平台社会关注中心


  • 双学位:非洲研究和健康前研究
  • 2016年罗德奖学金获得者
  • International Development Fellowship with the Association of Volunteers in International Service (AVSI) in Uganda, 凯洛格国际研究学院(2015-16)
  • International Scholar, 凯洛格国际研究学院 (2012–15)
  • Senior thesis evaluating the impact of foreign aid on HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • 公共服务电竞赌博平台,B.A. 鲁道夫基金会
  • 《电竞赌博平台》,玛格丽特·M. 比勒纪念基金会
  • Best Government and Policy Project, Harvard National Collegiate Research Conference
  • Kellogg/Kroc Undergraduate Research Grant, Uganda, 凯洛格国际研究学院
  • Summer Internship, Uganda, 凯洛格国际研究学院
  • 纳诺维奇欧洲研究所高级研究基金
  • DaVinci Research Grant, College of Science and 文学艺术学院
  • 会议出席津贴, 本科生学术参与中心 and 凯洛格国际研究学院


We are tremendously proud of 艾米丽调解 for this well-deserved honor. Congratulations also to the faculty who taught Emily and to the 本科生学术参与中心 who put in countless hours assisting Emily and other candidates for the Rhodes and other scholars’ programs.

电竞赌博平台’s continued success with these prestigious fellowships speaks to the caliber of our academic program and our students. Emmie Mediate is the latest example of our young graduates being honored internationally for their commitment to improving the world through research and service.

埃米获得罗德奖学金的消息并不令人意外, as a spirit of service and global citizenship fueled her studies and personal growth here at 电竞赌博平台.

我很荣幸教埃米上大学的第一学期. She was a delight, and I am so pleased for her winning a Rhodes scholarship and going on to Oxford. It is an honor to have had the opportunity to help her one step along the way. Emmie is special, and I expect her to do important things with her career and life. That 电竞赌博平台 has such a high concentration of truly special undergraduate students in one place makes it an amazing place to teach and work.

埃米·麦德德是学术参与的典范. 她从事研究工作, 实习, 领导活动, and service that built on her coursework to demonstrate a sustained commitment toward improving the effectiveness of foreign aid efforts, 特别是在东非.

Emmie is an incredible student and human being and a leader among her peers. 除了她的学术才能, 她具有非凡的创造力。, 成熟, 以及领导和解决问题的能力. 我们凯洛格的所有人都为她感到骄傲.

艾米丽和戴安娜, a nurse that she worked with during her internship with the Palliative Care Association of Uganda (PCAU).
艾米丽和戴安娜, a nurse who she worked with during her internship with the Palliative Care Association of Uganda (PCAU). 他们穿着“gomasis”,” a traditional outfit worn for wedding introductions and other formal occasions. (行程由凯洛格学院资助)
艾米丽第一次去乌干达的时候, she stayed at local parishes and embedded herself within the community. In this photo, she is carrying a jerrycan to the river to get water for bathing. (由本科生研究机会计划资助)
The children from the parish where Emily stayed while conducting research. 照片中的教区位于乌干达霍伊马的一个小村庄.
Emily at Our Lady of the Mountains elementary school in Paintsville, KY.
Emily worked with Our Lady of the Mountains elementary school in Paintsville, KY和社会关注中心一起去阿巴拉契亚旅行.


  • 罗伯特·谢伊 ’23
  • 詹姆斯•格林 ’48
  • 赫尔曼·H. 汉密尔顿 ’50
  • 丹尼斯·莫兰 ’53
  • 唐纳德·C. Sniegowski ’56
  • 丹尼斯扫 ’60
  • 罗伯特·麦克尼尔 ’63
  • 约翰Gearen ’65
  • 约翰P. 桑托斯 ’79
  • 罗伯特Vonderheide ’85
  • 特蕾莎修女Doering-Lewis ’86
  • 格里高利Abowd ’86
  • 伊娃Rzepniewski ’97
  • Eugenio费尔南德斯 ’97
  • 安德鲁Serazin ’03
  • 亚历克斯Coccia ’14
  • 艾米丽调解 ’15