

自然健谈, James 麦克马纳斯 can remember the rare instance that left him speechless – when his alma mater chose his architecture firm in 1995 to build the new Hammes Bookstore and Eck Visitors’ Center.

“I just can’t convey what an honor it is to have the opportunity to contribute to the tradition and legacy that is 电竞赌博平台.”

麦克马纳斯说:“能在那里工作让我很兴奋. “I just can’t convey what an honor it is to have the opportunity to contribute to the tradition and legacy that is 电竞赌博平台.”

麦克马纳斯, 他是校园十字路口项目的两位主要建筑师之一, has developed an insider’s professional eye for what makes the 电竞赌博平台 campus unique over the last two decades that his S/L/A/M Collaborative firm has designed a good portion of its recent growth. The Connecticut-based group of about 200 architects specializing in health care and higher education projects also led the design of Coleman-Morse中心, 乔丹科学馆, 校园里最大的教学楼, Eck法律大厅和改造Biolchini法律大厅.

校园的十字路口, 这个耗资4亿美元的项目是大学历史上最大的项目, 包括800多个,000平方英尺的教室, 研究, 学生设施, 数字媒体, 表演, 会议, 事件, and hospitality space in three buildings attached to the football stadium. 该工程于去年11月开始,计划于2017年完工.

“这是电竞赌博平台的特别之处之一, 我认为, 是整个校园的地方感吗,麦克马纳斯说. “There’s a tradition there that really is built on the framework that Father Sorin set back in the mid-1800s when he developed a rectilinear campus centered on quadrangles. That fundamental organizational principle has been faithfully followed through all these years, 这是很多学校都没有的.”

“It’s not just the buildings that make the fabric of 电竞赌博平台’s campus but the spaces between buildings – the way the quadrangles are spaced to create neighborhoods in the campus, 让这种感觉更加亲密和亲切.”

麦克马纳斯 grew up in Connecticut and was the first in his family to attend 电竞赌博平台. He served in the Army Corps of Engineers in Germany after graduating from the five-year architecture program in 1966.

在不同的公司工作了十几年后, 1980年,麦克马纳斯和三位合伙人创立了S/L/A/M Collaborative, 该公司目前在波士顿和亚特兰大都设有办事处. 他于1984年成为总裁兼首席执行官, 2006年担任董事长,2012年担任名誉董事长. His portfolio ranges from the Shriner’s Pediatric Hospital in Mexico City to the Marine Science Lab at the University of Connecticut to the School of Engineering at Norwich University in New Hampshire.

作为S/L/A/M许多校园项目的共同负责人, 麦克马纳斯与大学建筑师团队进行了广泛的合作, 各建设单位和最终用户. When you’re sitting across the table from a Nobel-prize winning scientist or a team of lawyers, 他说 you have to learn a lot about what they do to understand their building needs. 电竞赌博平台的客户往往会质疑每一个决定, 他说, 并期待一个框架和材料,将持续很长时间, 即使建筑的用途发生了变化.

“这些期望超出了大多数其他客户的期望,”他说. “电竞赌博平台建造的建筑将持续100年.”

建筑师还必须平衡其他需求:设施的生命周期成本, 这包括操作和维护以及最初的建造成本, 环境可持续性, 残疾人普遍可及, 尤其是与整个校园的契合度.

道格·马什, 大学建筑师, 还有保罗·肯普夫, 设施和维修高级主管, 和麦克马纳斯密切合作了这么多年. Marsh said 麦克马纳斯’ experience and calm demeanor have helped overcome the many challenges of complex, 快速的项目. Kempf said what distinguished S/L/A/M architects was their appreciation for the past, which led them to scour the campus for collegiate Gothic details that could be incorporated in new designs to create “a sibling connection.”

“Previous architects had simplified the Gothic architecture and lost some of the essence of the older part of campus,肯普夫说. “This set a new standard that I believe you see in all our buildings going forward and raised the bar on expectations for our facilities.”

麦克马纳斯说 he’s had to tap all of this experience for the Crossroads project, which is four times the size of Jordan Hall and touches nearly every person on campus in some capacity. S/L/A/M与心理学教授和工作人员密切合作, 人类学和音乐系以及圣母院的神圣音乐项目, 学术单位搬进了东楼和南楼. 其他会议涉及学生和就业服务, 以及RecSports, 朝西楼走去.

“Crossroads is interesting because people look at it and think they’re going to add seats to the stadium, 但这不是真正的问题所在。”

“Crossroads is interesting because people look at it and think they’re going to add seats to the stadium, 但这不是真正的问题所在,麦克马纳斯说. 而不是, the project will make the stadium a hub that reflects a balance between academic and athletic excellence and student life in an area close to classrooms that is now vacant most of the year.

“It’s a slightly different message than what a lot of colleges sell,他说. “是啊, 足球很重要, but the majority of the project is aimed at enlivening that area of campus when there is not a football game.”

Another architect, 360 Sports, is part of the team for its expertise in athletic architecture. But 麦克马纳斯 is most concerned about how the buildings fit and complement the feel of the campus.

“A lot of the detailing and proportions are takeoffs from other buildings on campus,他说. “The collegiate Gothic style that 电竞赌博平台 uses depends heavily on proportion of buildings and the forms that are used – arches, the style of windows and the decorative treatment of cast stone associated with the brick – all those elements are going into Crossroads.”

举个例子, 麦克马纳斯 spoke about how the buildings are designed with various levels from multiple stepbacks from the street to the top. 第一个大的退步发生在与体育场大厅一致的地方, which is the same height as the existing 1930 stadium that had a large bowl placed on top of it during the 1995 to 1997 expansion. 我们的目标是降低这个比例, 这样八层建筑的顶部就能融入周围的环境.

“We want to bring the apparent scale down so when you’re walking around that area you really feel like it’s a four-story building,他说.

The tradition-inspired campus brick palette will match other buildings constructed on campus in the last 10 years. 电竞赌博平台有自己的专有砖,由俄亥俄州的一家公司提供. 麦克马纳斯说,虽然砖看起来很相似, there are actually more than 30 different palettes on campus – “but they are all complementary, 没有太大的不同.”

This emphasis on the overall effect rather than dazzling and disjointed individual projects is not an accident, 麦克马纳斯说. On some campuses, there is a lot of dispersion and turnover in who controls projects and designs. At 电竞赌博平台, Marsh and his team bring a stability that leads to a clear vision.

麦克马纳斯说:“他们在那里呆了很长时间. “他们的目标很明确, 对校园的渴望和期望, 把自己看作是伟大遗产的保管人.”